365 days


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Become a part of my private Patreon-alike community called “365 days”. Get a lifetime access by purchasing right now!

“365 days” is Georgy.Design’s private community in Telegram — it’s a way for you to look behind the scenes of my business journey, get early access and discounts for my products and services, enjoy various discounts, and promo-codes, talk to each other, and even find a new project on the exclusive job-board.

The access is guaranteed after the early access purchase, however, it’s important to keep in mind, that purchasing it right now is considered as a pre-registration. Meaning, you will get the access, but a full proper release is still TBA.

More info → https://georgy.design/community

You can add as much extra money as you want — I highly appreciate your support! 💖

❇️ Due to a nature of the product/service, I won’t issue any refunds. You are buying access to the private community, after all.

P.S: Paying more than a required price grants you no additional benefits except my gratefulness and the fact that you help me make the community better!

Payments are secure and encrypted